Top Recruiter Blog for Sourcing & Executive Search | IQTalent Partners

Locking Down Top AI Talent: Strategies To Make It Happen | IQTalent

Written by Chris Murdock | March 30, 2023

This blog about finding AI talent was originally published in January 2020. All relevant data and information has been updated, and new statistics have been added as of March 2023. 

With AI, organizations can quickly identify and target qualified candidates who match the skill sets and value propositions they're looking for. We’re witnessing a boom in the use of AI in recruiting in real-time, so it’s no exaggeration to say AI is revolutionizing the way companies recruit and hire talent. 

Because the field is relatively new, recruiting AI talent can be tricky. While the tech-savvy applicant pool is growing, it’s still fairly limited — which makes it cumbersome to reach qualified candidates with real experience.

It’s also crucial to keep in mind that several companies recently hopped on the AI train, making the competition for finding highly-qualified candidates fierce. So, how can you attract skilled AI gurus to your company? These five secrets will turn you into a tech talent magnet in no time.

Top Recruiter Tip: Emphasize the uniqueness of your organization’s benefits and the prioritization you put on growth opportunities to capture the attention of top AI talent.

Considering 79% of employers use AI or automation for recruitment and hiring, it’s clear that AI in hiring is not going anywhere soon. @IQTalent reveals the secrets for #recruiting qualified candidates in this crowded market:Click to Tweet

Must See Statistics About The Use of AI In Hiring

  • Nearly 50% of tech recruiters are currently struggling to fill jobs because they can't find enough qualified candidates,
  • SHRM found that 79% of employers use A.I. and/or automation for recruitment and hiring.
  • 35% to 45% of companies are expected to use AI-based talent acquisition software and services to help select and interview job prospects this year.
  • 70% of Millennials polled think that AI played a role in their recruitment process. Yet more than half (56%) think that humans should always make the final decision when it comes to hiring. 
  • According to 35% of talent experts and hiring managers, AI is the #1 trend influencing how employers hire.
  • Senior HR experts are overwhelmingly in agreement that AI has the ability to improve talent attraction and retention by 96%.

1. Be Unique

To get the best AI talent, your organization needs to stand out from the competition. Being unique means offering incentives like competitive salaries and generous benefits packages that meet or exceed industry standards. 

Consider creating an environment where employees can pursue their interests, whether that’s through in-office activities or remote work options. Think about what other qualities you can provide that are unique to your company culture, such as flexible hours and relaxed dress codes.

Invest in employee development initiatives to help foster a learning environment and personal growth opportunities for AI experts. Show them you value their opinions and ideas by investing in inventive projects or recognizing innovative solutions when implemented. By demonstrating your commitment to the development of AI experts, you’ll attract top talent who will help you stay ahead of the competition.

2. Go Beyond The Brains

The recruitment of highly sought-after AI talent goes beyond their experience, skill set, and technical capabilities. Personality and behavior are equally important factors to consider during the recruitment process. Employers should look into what motivates the candidate and how they will fit within the company culture. 

They must also ensure that the candidate is willing to abide by processes and interact with colleagues professionally. It is also essential to assess how well they will manage change or work under pressure to determine if they can handle any potential challenges that may arise in their role.

Ask yourself:

  • Does the candidate represent our mission?
  • Will they fit into our culture?
  • Will they be willing to abide by our company processes?
  • How will they behave in certain situations?

Being a tech genius is great — but if they can’t bring the rest of the food to the table, it’s not going to work out. To make sure that candidates have all the prerequisites for success, employers should use online assessment tools like DISC, which measure beyond a candidate’s skills, such as their personality, behavior, motivation, and feelings towards the company’s mission and values. This way, recruiters can find the elusive fit for their positions.

Bonus Material: ChatGPT: How To Intelligently Leverage AI In Recruiting

3. Overuse Of Buzzwords Is A No-Brainer

Candidates specializing in AI have been known to throw around buzzwords on their resumes in the hopes of impressing ‘the machine’ and increasing their chances of being hired, even if they don't possess the necessary qualifications. 

This tactic is especially common when the same phrase or keyword is repeated multiple times throughout the resume. However, this strategy isn't always successful as employers can easily discern whether a candidate has the appropriate skill set for the job.

Recruiters should scan resumes for proof of diverse experience across different industries and roles, paying attention to how well a candidate understands the job and how they have used the terms in practice. Understanding how AI experts think and how they approach problems from different angles is also an important factor employers should take into consideration when evaluating potential hires.

Copy and pasting generic #recruiter templates won’t cut it anymore. Find and engage tech candidates by adding personalization to your messages. Explore some tips in @IQTalent’s latest article:Click to Tweet

4. Strengthen Your Relationships With AI Influencers

They’re knowledgeable, powerful, and willing to help you find your best. Reaching out to top business influencers in your industry and asking them to promote your open roles will drastically expand your reach to an audience of tech talent. Focusing on building relationships with influencers is the ultimate power move. If you haven’t already started looking for the go-to influencers of your playing field, now is the time to start.

Here are some of the best places to find influencers worth your attention:

  • Industry-leading podcasts
  • LinkedIn
  • Twitter
  • Instagram
  • Top-rated blogs

5. Avoid Sending Generic Messages Via LinkedIn And Email

When recruiting AI talent candidates, sending generic messages via LinkedIn and email can be a major turnoff. Candidates are more likely to be engaged if they receive personalized messages that show recruiters have taken the time to learn about their skills and interests. 

Instead of blanket statements such as “we’re looking for an AI expert,” take the time to research what experience the candidate has in specific fields or highlight how their skills could benefit the company. 

Critically think about ways to make a message stand out from the crowd by using more than just text; consider including links, videos, or graphics that showcase why your position differs from other roles in the industry.

By crafting tailored messages with higher semantic richness (using language that resonates with candidates on a deeper level), you can increase your chances of engaging top AI talent for successful hires.

Do you feel like you don’t have the time or internal bandwidth to make these tweaks to your recruiting strategy? The IQTalent team has extensive experience in recruiting in the AI and tech space and will help you tackle your to-do list. Let us know if you could use a hand!