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Current Trends in Manufacturing and Construction Recruiting

Written by IQTalent Staff | August 24, 2023

The construction and manufacturing sectors are powerhouses of the U.S. economy, providing millions of jobs and contributing massively to the nation's fiscal health. The construction industry lays the backbone of our society by building critical infrastructure, while manufacturing keeps our shelves stocked and our export market buzzing.

Let's not forget the domino effect these sectors have. A booming construction industry boosts demand in related fields like raw materials, engineering, design, and real estate. Similarly, a vibrant manufacturing industry fuels growth in logistics, retail, and technology. So, understanding these industries is key to grasping the broader economic picture.

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Facing recruitment challenges in the #manufacturing and #construction industries? Our latest blog post dives deep into this issue, analyzing statistics illustrating the current state of these industries. Check it out (plus @IQTalent’s handy infographic):


The construction industry is a significant employment engine in the U.S., employing nearly 10 million people as of 2023. But the impact of this sector extends beyond these direct jobs; it also fuels indirect employment opportunities in associated industries, creating a ripple effect that boosts the broader economy.

However, like any vibrant industry, construction faces its share of challenges. One of the primary issues is the low unemployment rate - just 3.9% as of July 2023. While this figure demonstrates the industry's robust health, it also means that finding and attracting skilled workers can be a daunting task. Moreover, with an estimated need for an additional 546,000 workers in 2023, it's clear that effective recruitment strategies are not just desirable but absolutely essential in this sector.

Another challenge lies in the demographic composition of the construction workforce. Nearly a quarter of all construction workers are aged 55 or older. As these experienced professionals approach retirement, the industry must focus on attracting fresh talent to ensure its future vitality.

Diversity is another critical aspect of the construction industry. Although women currently represent only about 10.9% of all construction workers, this figure steadily increases as more women break into traditionally male-dominated fields. This shift not only promotes gender equality but also brings fresh perspectives and ideas to the table.

In terms of ethnic diversity, the construction workforce is a rich mosaic of different backgrounds. White workers make up the majority at 52.9%, followed by Hispanic or Latino workers at 27.7% and Black or African American workers at 11.1%. This diverse workforce is one of the industry's greatest strengths, bringing together a wide range of experiences and perspectives that enrich the industry and drive innovation.

Discover how to turn industry challenges in manufacturing and construction into opportunities with @IQTalent’s new blog post! It's packed with data and insights shedding light on how these industries are faring right now and some forecasting for the near future


The manufacturing industry in the U.S. is a veritable powerhouse, creating jobs at an impressive rate. As of 2023, it provided employment to over 11.19 million people. But that's not all - there's still room for growth! The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported nearly 600,000 job vacancies in this sector in June 2023 alone.

Despite a tight labor market with an unemployment rate of just 2.7% as of July 2023, the manufacturing industry remains ripe with opportunities. Remember, a competitive market isn't a deterrent - on the contrary, it's an invitation to strive for excellence and make your mark!

The strength of the manufacturing industry lies not just in its numbers but also in its diversity. White workers form the majority at 61.2%. However, the industry is far from homogeneous. Hispanic or Latino workers comprise 17.6% of the workforce, with Black or African American workers contributing another 10.5%. This cultural melting pot is a testament to the industry's inclusive nature, fostering a vibrant mix of perspectives that drive innovation and progress.

A noteworthy aspect of the manufacturing workforce is its age demographic. The average age of workers is over 40, indicating a significant reliance on experienced professionals. This experience brings expertise and wisdom to the table, but it also poses unique challenges. Succession planning becomes crucial to ensure the transfer of knowledge and skills to the next generation of workers.

When it comes to educational qualifications, a high school diploma is the most common credential among manufacturing workers. This underscores the fact that the manufacturing industry values practical skills and hands-on experience over formal education. It's a clear message that success in this field is attainable without necessarily having a higher degree.

Common Issues Across These Industries

The manufacturing industry is currently grappling with a significant skills gap. According to Deloitte, this gap could leave an estimated 2.1 million unfilled jobs by 2030. As we look forward to 2030, the situation raises concerns about how this shortfall will affect productivity, innovation, and growth in the sector.

Despite the availability of workers, finding the right talent for the manufacturing industry has become increasingly difficult. This paradox can be attributed to a variety of factors, including a mismatch of skills, evolving technology, and changing industry requirements. The manufacturing industry is evolving at breakneck speed, driven by technological advancements and shifting market demands. As a result, the skill requirements for jobs are changing rapidly, often outpacing the current workforce's skill level.

The construction industry faces a unique challenge: a high turnover rate. Coupled with an aging workforce, the sector is in urgent need of fresh talent. By 2024, an estimated 546,000 new workers will be needed to fill positions. According to an Associated General Contractors of America survey of its members, 91% of contractors had trouble filling positions last year. This highlights the growing need for effective, targeted recruitment strategies in the construction industry.

But don't just take our word for it. To get a clearer picture of the pivotal role we play in these dynamic industries, check out our detailed infographic. It provides a visual snapshot of the current landscape, the challenges at hand, and how our services can help turn these challenges into opportunities for growth. Check out the infographic here.


IQTalent is ready to help you navigate the recruitment challenges in industries like manufacturing and construction. We're committed to providing flexible, quality-driven, and inclusive recruitment solutions that meet your unique needs.

Remember, in the face of rapid industry changes and talent shortages, having a proactive recruitment partner like IQTalent could make all the difference. So, don't wait. Explore the infographic now and discover how we can help you build a robust, diverse, and future-ready workforce.